IUI vs. IVF: Which Is Right for You?

IUI vs. IVF: Which Is Right for You?

Two Common Fertility Treatments Explained

Couples who are having trouble conceiving may wonder if they should undergo fertility treatments and what type of treatment they are candidates for.

Two procedures are commonly used to help couples with fertility assistance:

  • Through intrauterine insemination (IUI), sperm is placed directly into the uterus using a speculum.
  • Through In-vitro fertilization (IVF), eggs are surgically removed using a needle that goes through the back of the vagina, and those eggs are fertilized outside of the body.

At Orchidz Health we will run some tests and advise you on potential treatment options based on the results of those tests. And also provide you with an estimated chance of conception success, either naturally or with each type of treatment.

There are critical differences between IUI and IVF treatment. Comparing both options can help you determine which approach is best for you and your partner.

IUIs May Be Less Invasive, More Natural

Couples with infertility often start treatment with IUI, which is much less invasive than IVF. IUI involves placing a washed sperm directly into the woman’s uterus during the fertile window. This can be done as part of a natural cycle or, more often, in combination with medications (like clomiphene citrate or letrozole).

The washed sperm sample will contain more motile sperm, which are more likely to fertilize an egg. Additionally, placing sperm directly into the uterus means they do not need to “swim” as far to reach their target.

In addition to helping couples with infertility challenges, IUI can be useful for couples who have trouble conceiving for other reasons. These reasons include their work or travel schedule or sexual dysfunction.

It is very significant to note that many women undergoing IUI are given hormones or medication to induce ovulation or to increase the number of eggs ovulated each month. This increases a couple’s chances of twins or multiples. Although many couples undergoing fertility treatment welcome the idea of having twins or even more babies, in reality, having multiples will introduce complications for the mother and the babies.

Reasons to Pursue IVF

IUI can be an excellent starting point for couples facing issues involving ovulation or unexplained infertility. However, IUI may not be the best fertility treatment for a couple.

IVF is usually recommended for couples facing the following situations:

  • Severe male infertility
  • Blocked Fallopian tubes
  • Lack of success using IUI
  • Concern about passing on certain genetic disorders

Pre-implantation genetic testing is an advanced scientific procedure before IVF. This may benefit patients with concerns about a genetic condition or who have had multiple unsuccessful IUI cycles or miscarriages. This procedure can be used to identify chromosomal disorders or chromosomal abnormalities in embryos. It can help determine the most suitable embryo for transfer.

Every patient and situation is different, so you should meet with a fertility specialist to review your history and discuss a recommended course of action. Infertility is not uncommon, and couples are encouraged to seek help sooner rather than later.

You can learn more about fertility treatment at Orchidz Health, the best IVF & IUI treatment in Bangalore, by visiting our website.

Orchidz Health is a first-of-its-kind dedicated clinic offering personalized care in Fertility and Sexual Health for both men and women by renowned medical professionals in Bengaluru.

Get In Touch With Us

  • 18, 2nd floor (lift), above Yes Bank, Jaladarshini layout, New BEL Road, Bengaluru 560054
  • 080-420 27011 (3 pm - 8:30 pm)
  • +91 8296618293
  • +91 9901638679
  • orchidzhealth@gmail.com
Orchidz Health